内装ドア2 2019-2020

Design 森のかおり 00UP / Material 杉NATURAL WOOD DOOR SERIES森のかおり▶︎P.188古来から高級建具材として愛されてきた檜と杉の集成材によるドアシリーズ。豊かな日本の四季の移ろいを感じさせる風合いを持ちつつ、モダンな住宅にもマッチし、まるで森の中にいるようなやすらぎと満足感が味わえます。This series of doors is made with laminated cypress and cedar wood, two materials that have been well regarded as high-class building materials since ancient times, With a texture that elicits the feel of the transition of Japanese seasons, it is suitable for modern homes, giving you the ability to relax as if you are in a forest.

元のページ  ../index.html#31
